ADAM Series Axtension | New Healthcare Product In Malaysia

Generally, many people will try to take care and solve their problems with “Is It Normal?”, “Are They Safe To Consume?”, and “I Don’t Know What To Do, Who To Approach For Help!”. According to research, men are more likely to delay in taking their own health and put off important health check-ups. When it comes to prevention and early detection, men’s health often takes a back seat to women’s health. To resolve these question, VARF Healthcare Sdn Bhd has been established by a group of ambitious people who wants to solve all these paint-points that many people face. With the aim of solving the issues that facing by all mankind, VARF Healthcare Sdn Bhd has come out with two different series of products to target different problems of different gender: ADAM Series & EVE Series. Let VARF Connects People To Better Life According to the creation of myth of the Abrahamic religions, Adam and Eve were the first man and woman in the universe. With VARF’s vision and mission to help people to...